A debut release from Canadian group Snailhouses’s keyboardist reveals a musician and singer of genuine quality... he conjures a style of mature, crafted music which is the essence of contemporary Americana. This record is book-ended by love songs bordering on the mystical. The opening track "When She Appeared" has overtones of early Paul Simon (a recurrent theme) whilst the final song "I Was A Guest" states "..the sun casts no shadow, no dark lines, no road signs, no road. And all I want to say to you my love is you are my home." Sickly sweet on paper/html?- Yes. But on listening, Booth is both credible and moving. "Quiet A Little More", "Song Never Played" and "Bed’s Made" remind me of early Elliot Smith- low key and heartstring tugging contemporary stories delivered with a strained vocal that convey real emotion. "Somewhere In Between" is a sparser affair, with a simple piano backing which echoes Ben Folds Five "Brick" without the big chorus. Booth further demonstrates on "Sleep In Cinescope" he can convey a lighter tone, even when the lyric is (yet again) about unfulfilled dreams. Transparent is littered with glorious, mournful waltzes and tender tales which, to my ears, has echoes of the aforementioned Elliot Smith, XTC, Ed Hardcourt, Simon & Garfunkle and Badly Drawn Boy. On that basis, who am I to criticize? Give it a whirl. - Americana UK
Aaron Booth: songwriting, guitar, bass, keyboards, vocals
Michael Feuerstack: guitar, vocals
Jeremy Gara: drums
Dave Draves: engineering and mixing
Studio: Little Bullhorn, Ottawa, Ontario
Released: 2002